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Transportation is free for orders

Transportation is free for date 06.11.2012 09:00

Location transportCountry/region Transport type Date of planned load Possible directions of carriage Contacts
1 Slovakia-90 tent 92м3 09.11.2012 Russia Bochkareva Tatiana phone.+7(4812)417610 Fax +7(4812)417578 mob.+79107840133 ICQ 393759338
2 Germany-74 tent 92м3 07.11.2012 Russia Bochkareva Tatiana phone.+7(4812)417610 Fax +7(4812)417578 mob.+79107840133 ICQ 393759338
3 Germany-28 tent 92м3 06.11.2012 Russia Bochkareva Tatiana phone.+7(4812)417610 Fax +7(4812)417578 mob.+79107840133 ICQ 393759338
4 Italy-20 tent 92м3 06.11.2012 Russia Bochkareva Tatiana phone.+7(4812)417610 Fax +7(4812)417578 mob.+79107840133 ICQ 393759338
5 Italy-48 tent 92м3 06.11.2012 Russia Bochkareva Tatiana phone.+7(4812)417610 Fax +7(4812)417578 mob.+79107840133 ICQ 393759338
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